Monday, March 19, 2018

Playstation Themed Stick - JoyMOT(Joystick & Mod Throwback)

 Cukup cepat kita merakit produk ini karena konsumen juga sangat kooperatif. Pesanan mulai diterima sejak 10-11 hari sebelum nya. Kemudian konsumen melunasi sebagian pembayaran nya, lalu mengirim Hori Mini yang akan dipake untuk pekerjaan ini. Sambil menunggu komponen Sanwa yang kami pesan dari Arcade Stick Indonesia; selama beberapa hari ke depan kita cat kotak, rakit. Pesanan selesai dalam waktu seminggu.

We finished building this product relatively quick because the buyer was very cooperative. It began since 10-11 days before. He first paid around two-third of the total price, he sent his Hori Mini stick that was going to be important for this project. While we were waiting for the Sanwa parts from Arcade Stick Indonesia; for several days we molded, painted the case, and assembled the stick. The order finally finished in roughly a week. And the buyer paid the rest of the price.