Monday, June 29, 2020

Under Control - JoyMOT(Joystick & Mod Throwback)

Sewaktu kami menawarkan produk kami ke pemesan dia bertanya, apa bisa gambar nya dibuat lebih luas? Kami kemudian mencari kembali cetakan casing model 2 seperti yang diminta konsumen; ternyata masih ada.

When we first offered the product to the customer, he asked if we could make the artwork bigger. We then began searching our workshop for the model 2 case that the customer wanted; turned out we still had it.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Crossing the Line - JoyMOT(Joystick & Mod Throwback)

Casing kosong untuk konsumen yang mau rakit sendiri; memakai parts Sanwa dan Brook Fighting Board Wireless. 

Blank stick for a consumer that wanted to build his own arcade stick; with Sanwa parts & Wireless Brook Fighting PCB.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Captivating Kunoichi - JoyMOT(Joystick & Mod Throwback)

Kami telah kembali. Stick arcade PS3 dengan stick Sanwa JLF,tombol OBSF30 ini merupakan produk pertama yang kami rakit setelah kami beristirahat selama tiga bulan. Pandemik yang sangat menular mengakibatkan kita untuk ikut menjalankan PSBB sejak bulan Maret 2020. Kami bahkan khawatir untuk pergi ke tempat jasa pengiriman karena takut tertular.

We are back. A PS3 arcade stick with Sanwa JLF lever & OBSF30 buttons installed was the first product we built in the 3 months after we had a break. This contagious pandemic made us to follow the quarantine order that began in March 2020. We were even worried to visit shipping services because  we were worried we could get infected.