arcade yang kita buat 6 tahun lalu. Memakai tombol platina & stick
Calle yang sudah kita modifikasi. Artwork yang dipakai terinspirasi dari
gambar yang dipakai di mesin arcade Tekken 6.
An arcade stick we built six years ago. It used leafswitch buttons & a modded Calle stick. The artwork was heavily inspired by the artwork used on Tekken 6 arcade cabinets.
Sayang waktu kita belum
menemukan cara untuk mencetak gambar yang lebih panjang supaya bisa
tutup semua permukaan atas.
we still didn't know the way to print a larger photo at that time, so
we didn't have an artwork that covered more of the top surface.
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
KouyaCrow's Modded TE - JoyMOT(Joystick & Mod Throwback)
Enam tahun lalu kita memasang artwork baru di stick arcade milik
KouyaCrow. Artwork yang dicetak pertama kali oleh sang pemilik stick
terlalu besar.
Six years ago we installed a new artwork on KouyaCrow's Mad Catz Fighstick TE. The artwork the owner printed was too big for the stick.
Six years ago we installed a new artwork on KouyaCrow's Mad Catz Fighstick TE. The artwork the owner printed was too big for the stick.
Saturday, February 11, 2017
Merakit O2ED Stick - JoyMOT(Joystick & Mod Throwback)
Pengerjaan stick arcade yang kita kebut dan bisa selesai dalam 3 hari. Kita mampu rakit lebih cepat dari perkiraan karena kebetulan kita sudah punya kotak baru yang siap dipakai untuk pesanan ini, karena kita sering kali siapkan kotak-kotak kosong yang baru dalam berbagai pilihan design. Dengan begitu kita bisa potong masa pengerjaan karena proses pembuatan kotak sendiri bisa makan waktu sampai seminggu.
It took us merely 3 days to build this stick. We could assemble the product faster than the buyer expected because we had prepared a few new blank cases, and one of them happened to match up with what the customer wanted. Making a stick case can take up to a week, so we cut several days of production when the cases have been pre-built.
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