Tuesday, February 14, 2017

H1dyPhilips' Namco Feng Stick - JoyMOT(Joystick & Mod Throwback)

Stick arcade yang kita buat 6 tahun lalu. Memakai tombol platina & stick Calle yang sudah kita modifikasi. Artwork yang dipakai terinspirasi dari gambar yang dipakai di mesin arcade Tekken 6. 

An arcade stick we built six years ago. It used leafswitch buttons & a modded Calle stick. The artwork was heavily inspired by the artwork used on Tekken 6 arcade cabinets.

Sayang waktu kita belum menemukan cara untuk mencetak gambar yang lebih panjang supaya bisa tutup semua permukaan atas. 

Unfortunately we still didn't know the way to print a larger photo at that time, so we didn't have an artwork that covered more of the top surface.

Dulu kita sampai antar stick ke konsumen nya di Jakarta pakai mobil. Ketemuan di rental Mabes di hari kerja di siang hari. Sekarang kita jarang pakai mobil kita untuk pergi jauh kerena mobil nya sudah tua sekali; sudah kita pakai sejak 1997.

I still remember the day we delivered the stick to the customer. We met up at the gaming cafe called Mabes at noon. We don't travel long distance these days with that car because the car is now so old; we've been driving that car since 1997.

 foto lain bisa dilihat di https://goo.gl/photos/ymWRipJSKhWS4i546

More photos can be found at https://goo.gl/photos/ymWRipJSKhWS4i546

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