Our returning customer chose to order one more product that combines arcade buttons with mechanical keyboard microswitches.
Produk ini menggunakan kotak model 1 dengan matte finish. PCB Dual Strike. Tombol OBSF30 asli buatan Sanwa, serta 4 microswitch Outemu Blue. Kami ingin memakai Cherry MX Blue yang clicky, namun di toko keyboard langganan kami produk ini sedang kosong. Setelah kami turut gagal mendapatkan nya di daerah Mangga Dua, setelah kami juga sadari bahwa jarang sekali ada toko yang menjual komponen mechanical keyboard; kami memutuskan untuk membeli Outemu & konsumen nya pun mau mengerti.
The following product uses the Model 1 case with matte finish. Dual Strike PCB. Real OBSF30 produced by Sanwa Denshi, as well as Blue Outemu switches. We initially wanted to use blue Cherry MX switches, but our favourite store doesn't have them in stock. We also failed to find them in Mangga Dua, after we searched around & learned the fact mechanical parts are rarely sold at retail stores.
Beruntung kami masih menyimpan PCB Dual Strike di tempat penyimpanan kami, karena Dual Strike belum diproduksi lagi sejak beberapa bulan terakhir. Namun rencana nya akan kembali dijual mulai Februari 2019.
We kept a Dual Strike PCB in our storage, lucky for us because those haven't been made in recent months. Latest news we heard was they'll be back in stock in February 2019.
Memasang laptop kami, timah solder panas, kami pun mulai merakit stick di malam hari. Karena stick sudah dibayar lunas maka kami tidak membuang2 banyak waktu untuk membungkus & mengirim stick ke tujuan. Beruntung kami mendapat penawaran pengiriman spesial Tiki di pagi hari, yang dapat mengantar barang ke tujuan di Jabodetabek dalam kurang dari satu hari.
foto yang lain bisa kamu lihat di https://photos.app.goo.gl/sYiy9Vqtf6DiJMUg9
As we had all the parts needed along with the finished case, and the soldering iron heated; in one evening we switched on our old laptop and began assembling the controller. We didn't waste much time afterwards since the purchase has been fully paid a week before. Fortunately we received a special offer from Tiki the courier service where they could deliver our product in less than a day because we brought it to their store very early in the morning, and the destination was relatively close as it was within 50 something kilometers.
more photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/sYiy9Vqtf6DiJMUg9
jual dmna bang mixboxnya? mau dong pls... bisa minta kontaknya gk?