Friday, July 24, 2020

Modded Gamesir C2 - JoyMOT(Joystick & Mod Throwback)

Gamesir C2 merupakan arcade stick multi-console yang menggunakan tombol & tongkat Sanwa Denshi, dan pemilik nya ingin merubah stick ini menjadi semacam hitbox. Dalam hati kami bertanya-tanya soal apa saja yang perlu kita lakukan untuk pekerjaan ini karena kami belum pernah memodifikasi stick Gamesir.

Gamesir C2 is a multi-console arcade stick that has Sanwa Denshi buttons & lever. The owner of the stick wanted to turn stick into some sort of hitbox. We ask ourselves what would be the steps we had to take for this project because we have never modded a Gamesir stick.

Barang dikirim dengan kotak nya
the stick was delivered in its box 

Sebelum barang dikirim kita perlu tunggu dulu pemilik stick nya membeli tombol Sanwa yang akan difungsikan sebagai pengganti tongkat Sanwa JLF. Usai mempertimbangkan untuk print di Keoliz saja dia mengirim Gamesir milik nya beserta tombol Sanwa OBSF24 dan OBSF30 baru.

Before the stick was sent to us we waited for the customer to buy Sanwa buttons  to replace the Sanwa JLF as the device to input directions. After considering the options of printing the artwork on his own, or asking us to print it the stick owner sent us his Gamesir along with the new OBSF24 & OBSF30 buttons.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Gemini Twins - JoyMOT(Joystick & Mod Throwback)

Stick arcade PS3 dengan 8x tombol Bao Lian, 3x tombol yatta star(tiruan Jepang 24mm), tongkat dari Hori Mini yang sudah dimodif, dan PCB Dual Strike. Sewaktu menyapa kami untuk mencari stick dia mempertimbangkan berbagai pilihan yang kami berikan. Dia juga sempat mempertimbangkan kedua produk siap pakai yang sedang tersedia saat catatan ini ditulis. Pilihan akhir nya jatuh kepada produk PS3 & PC dengan parts Taiwan dengan permintaan tambahan PCB Dual Strike.

One PS3 arcade stick with 8x Bao Lian buttons, 3x Yatta Star buttons(I think they are knockoff 24mm Japanese buttons), modded Hori Mini level, and Dual Strike PCB. When he approached us to buy an arcade stick, we offered multiple options the customer could pick. He finally picked a custom PS3 & PC arcade stick with Taiwanese parts, with Dual Stike as the additional request.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Under Control - JoyMOT(Joystick & Mod Throwback)

Sewaktu kami menawarkan produk kami ke pemesan dia bertanya, apa bisa gambar nya dibuat lebih luas? Kami kemudian mencari kembali cetakan casing model 2 seperti yang diminta konsumen; ternyata masih ada.

When we first offered the product to the customer, he asked if we could make the artwork bigger. We then began searching our workshop for the model 2 case that the customer wanted; turned out we still had it.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Crossing the Line - JoyMOT(Joystick & Mod Throwback)

Casing kosong untuk konsumen yang mau rakit sendiri; memakai parts Sanwa dan Brook Fighting Board Wireless. 

Blank stick for a consumer that wanted to build his own arcade stick; with Sanwa parts & Wireless Brook Fighting PCB.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Captivating Kunoichi - JoyMOT(Joystick & Mod Throwback)

Kami telah kembali. Stick arcade PS3 dengan stick Sanwa JLF,tombol OBSF30 ini merupakan produk pertama yang kami rakit setelah kami beristirahat selama tiga bulan. Pandemik yang sangat menular mengakibatkan kita untuk ikut menjalankan PSBB sejak bulan Maret 2020. Kami bahkan khawatir untuk pergi ke tempat jasa pengiriman karena takut tertular.

We are back. A PS3 arcade stick with Sanwa JLF lever & OBSF30 buttons installed was the first product we built in the 3 months after we had a break. This contagious pandemic made us to follow the quarantine order that began in March 2020. We were even worried to visit shipping services because  we were worried we could get infected.


Thursday, January 2, 2020

Savage Stare - JoyMOT(Joystick & Mod Throwback)

Sebuah controller yang pakai tombol semua & dirakit untuk dipakai di PS4, PS3, PC, dan juga Nintendo Switch.

An all button controller we built for PS4, PS3, PC, as well as Nintendo Switch.