Stick arcade PXN yang kami modif jadi controller campuran tombol arcade & tombol keyboard. Tongkat nya diganti dengan tombol keyboard; keycap Tai-Hao dan microswitch Cherry MX coklat.
A modded multi-console PXN arcade stick that we turned into a hybrid
controller that mixes arcade & keyboard buttons. The stock arcade
lever was swapped with keyboard buttons; Tai-Hao keycaps with brown
Cherry MX switches.
Kita usahakan mod yang kali ini kita buat jadi modifikasi semi-permanen;
kita tidak potong casing dan buat lubang besar seperti mod stick PXN
yang sebelum nya, tapi kita buat semacam panggung yang lebih kecil
dibanding dulu. Kita kemudian buatkan lubang-lubang kecil agar
microswitch & kabel nya bisa dipasang.
We tried to make this mod a semi-permanent mod; we didn't cut and made a
huge hole like we previously did on a different PXN stick, instead we
made, I guess a platform, and it's smaller compared to the one on the
previous mod. We then drilled small holes to install the microswitches
& the cables.
Harapan kita suatu hari tongkat arcade nya bisa dipasang lagi. Dia akan perlu cabut panggung nya, hapus lem nya, lalu pasang dust washer/alias piring untuk lubang stick arcade, yang jauh lebih besar; kita sudah buatkan dust washer besar untuk dia.
Our hope is to allow the user to switch back to the stock arcade lever. He'll probably need a much bigger dust washer to cover all the small holes left by the microswitches, and we already made one.
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