Kali ini kita kedatangan stick yang pernah kita rakit. Masalah nya ada 2 tombol di samping nga hidup.
Tombol arah atas juga mati.
This time a customer sent back their custom controler for us to fix. The main complaints were two buttons on the sides were not working & the up button had also stopped working.
Begitu kami periksa susunan tombol nya udah berubah jauh banget dari standard. Membuat proses reparasi jadi lebih ribet. Pelan-pelan kami pelajari lagi susunan tombol, apa yang sudah berubah.
Dan ternyata betul memang sesudah controller rakitan ini sudah sampai di tangan si pembeli, dia memutuskan untuk mengubah banyak konfigurasi controller nya.
When we checked the controller on our PC, the buttons config had changed so much from the standard one. Complicating the process of repairing this controller; fortunately by just a tiny bit. We took a note on what had changed. And when we asked the owner, yes he did change the button config drastically.
Dari susunan tombol, fungsi tombol di samping, sampai mode arah nya juga dirubah.
From the button layout, the functions of the side buttons, to the mode directional inputs all of them had changed.
Pertama kita solder kembali koneksi kabel ke tombol atas, karena dulu kita pake semacam quick disconnect lalu kita kasih lem. Kali ini kita sambung pake solder. Untuk tombol L3 & R3 kita benerin pin mapping alias rubah fungsi tombol Home dan Touchpad key jadi L3 & R3; kita rubah nya di web config yang dibuat komunitas GP2040-CE biar kita yakin kita set dengan benar.
So first of all we fixed the up button because we used some sort of quick disconnect for it and then glued it to the soldering point on the microswitch when we were building this custom controller. This time we instead soldered the wire to the microswitch. Meanwhile for the L3 & R3 buttons we just needed to alter the pin mappings. I guess the stick owner accidentally misconfigured the side buttons but that's okay, because we can properly switch the functions of the Home & Touchpad key buttons to L3 & R3; we used the web config feature done by the GP2040-CE community, to swap around the pin mappings and we're sure we've done it the right way.
more photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/JvZKqzd2wWdEDG177
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