Monday, September 9, 2024

Maksimalkan Potensi mu Dengan Stick Arcade (Jual Stick Arcade/Ding Dong)

Loe demen main Tekken atau game fighting lain di arcade.

Karena itu loe pengen main di rumah pake joystick kayak yg di arcade.

Banyak memang stick arcade yang murah di pasaran, tapi apa mereka bagus & cocok sama loe?

Nga perlu bingung, karena kami disini jual  stick arcade yang murah & berkualitas.

Virtuous Devotee Stick, untuk PS3 dan PC

Untuk lihat produk kami yang kami buat sebelum nya, cek saja gallery kami di:

Produk kami pernah diliput oleh kotak game, salah satu situs berita video game yang paling dikenal di Indonesia. Berikut ini liputan nya:
Kotakgame - Pake Stik Arcade Kustom? Siapa Takut!!

Untuk info lebih lanjut cek thread jualan kami di sini:

Fixed Hori Fighting Stick PS4 - JoyMOT(Joystick & Mod Throwback)

Hori Fighting Stick PS4 yang diperbaiki dan dimodifikasi di Keoliz. Sekarang menggunakan tombol Sanwa OBSF30, tongkat Sanwa JLF. Bekas tapi masih bagus.

Hori Fighting Stick for PS4/PS3 that was fixed & modded at Keoliz. Now it features 8x Sanwa OBSF30 buttons, and a Sanwa JLF lever. They're not brand new but they still work.


Monday, August 5, 2024

Fixed Sanwa JLF Microswitch - JoyMOT(Joystick & Mod Throwback)

Beruntung microswitch Sanwa JLF koleksi pribadi kami masih bisa diperbaiki; kalau harus ganti, waduh spare part nya harus diimport dari tempat yang jauh, jauh sekali.

We're fortunate the Sanwa JLF microswitch in our personal arcade stick can still be fixed; we would have to import it from a place very, very far away.  



Saturday, June 22, 2024

Fixed 8BitDo Arcade Stick - JoyMOT(Joystick & Mod Throwback)

 Stick arcade 8BitDo untuk PC dan Nintendo Switch yang mengalami kerusakan ringan. 

An 8BitDo arcade stick for the Switch and PC, that's slightly broken.



Tepat nya tombol /\ nya sudah mulai rusak, tidak lagi responsif seperti waktu masih baru. Sehingga konsumen meminta untuk kita pindahkan saja tombol L2 ke posisi tombol segitiga. Lalu tombol /\ nya coba diperbaiki oleh teknisi Keoliz, agar masih berguna walau nanti jarang dipakai. Tidak lupa juga lever arcade nya dikasih sedikit gemuk/pelicin biar tambah nikmat main Guile & Nagoriyuki nya. 

The /\ button in particular has become less responsive; not as good as it was when the stick was still new. So our customer asked us to swap the L2 button with the triangle one. And then our technician at Keoliz tried to fix the /\ button, so that it will still be useful although it will be rarely used in the future according to the stick's owner.  And we might as well give the lever a bit of lube, so that the customer we'll have a fun time playing Guile & Nagoriyuki.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Reparasi Downsized Form yang banyak Berubah - JoyMOT(Joystick & Mod Throwback)

Kali ini kita kedatangan stick yang pernah kita rakit. Masalah nya ada 2 tombol di samping nga hidup.
Tombol arah atas juga mati.

This time a customer sent back their custom controler for us to fix. The main complaints were two buttons on the sides were not working & the up button had also stopped working.


Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Peace in the Garden 2 - JoyMOT(Joystick & Mod Throwback)

Peace in the Garden 2, controller tipe tombol semua untuk PS3/PC. Menggunakan tombol tiruan jepang, PCB Raspberry Pi Pico, dan casing Keoliz model 11.

Peace in the Garden 2, an all button controller for PS3/PC. Featuring knock-off arcade buttons, Raspberry Pi Pico PCB & model 11 Keoliz case. 


Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Modded PXN Arcade Stick - JoyMOT(Joystick & Mod Throwback)

Stick arcade PXN yang kami modif jadi controller campuran tombol arcade & tombol keyboard. Tongkat nya diganti dengan tombol keyboard; keycap Tai-Hao dan microswitch Cherry MX coklat.


A modded multi-console PXN arcade stick that we turned into a hybrid controller that mixes arcade & keyboard buttons. The stock arcade lever was swapped with keyboard buttons; Tai-Hao keycaps with brown Cherry MX switches.