Thursday, November 17, 2016

Fastest Colour - JoyMOT(Joystick & Mod Throwback)

Saat nya mundur ke April 2010. Casing merah, tombol platina merah, stick Calle dengan balltop merah, dan tombol tiruan Jepang warna merah. Kata orang merah itu warna yang identik dengan mobil/motor balap yang cepat. Itu lah kenapa stick ini dikasih nama Fastest Colour.

Time to go back to April 2010. Red case, red leafswitch buttons, Calle stick with a custom made red balltop, and red knockoff buttons. They say red is synonomous with fast race cars/bikes. Hence this stick was named the Fastest Colour.

Gambar di stick nya pakai artwork yang staff graphic design kita dulu kerjakan di waktu senggang kalau nga salah. Lalu ditambahin Lili & Asuka, kedua karakter yang konsumen nya minta dimunculkan di artwork stick pesanan dia.

The artwork was made by our graphic designer in his spare time. The customer wanted the art to include two of his favourite Tekken characters, Lili & Asuka, so we added these two gutsy schoolgirls.

Kalau nga salah ini waktu kita mulai dapat pesanan2 stick PS1/PS2 tapi console kita pada rusak. Jadi musti dites di rental PS2 yang ada di dekat bengkel kita. Jaman itu rental PS3 masih jarang banget karena belum ada custom firmware waktu itu.

If I'm not mistaken this was during the time when we were beginning to get orders for PS2 arcade sticks, but our consoles were all broken. So this stick was tested at some dingy gaming cafe that was near our workshop. At that time there weren't too many PS3 gaming cafes because custom PS3 firmware had not been invented.

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