Stick arcade yang dibuat oleh Fitra, dari bahan kayu jati. Menggunakan stick Crown 309(Help Me edition) 9 tombol Sanwa OBSF30, PCB Mad Catz Fightstick TE Round 1, versi PS3, artwork dengan tema Xiaoyu. Pemilik stick minta kita untuk pasang PCB TE di stick rakitan yang dia dulu buat, dan pasang artwork baru.
The following custom arcade
stick was built by Fitra out of wood. Teak to be exact. It uses Crown
309(Help Me edition) stick, 9 OBSF30 buttons, a Mad Catz Fightstick TE
Round 1 PCB the PS3 version, and Ling Xiaoyu themed artwork. The owner
asked us to install his old PCB on his custom stick, and installed a new