Please make sure your artwork are suitable for print before you print it:
1) bagus karena kalian memiliki kebebasan saat memotong gambar
good because you have plenty of freedom while cutting your artwork
2) tidak sebebas di kasus #1 karena kalian tidak punya background yang sama besar dengan kanvas/kertas yang dipakai untuk print. Tidak apa-apa karena porsi gambar yang akan dipakai untuk stick hanya lah sebagian.
You don't have as much as freedom while cutting your artwork like in case #1 because sometimes you don't have a backgrond that is as large as the canvas/paper you use for print. The print should be fine because you'll be using only a portion of it when you cut the artwork.
3) kamu akan alami kesulitan saat memasang artwork karena belum tentu
artwork dicetak dalam ukuran 100% sama seperti yang kamu atur di
komputer kamu. Biasa nya saat cetak gambar hasilnya akan keluar dalam
ukuran beberapa persen lebih besar atau kecil.
You'll find difficulties when you're installing the art on your stick because a lot of times the size of your print doesn't match 100% the size of image you've made on your computer. Usually the print is a few percent larger or smaller than the actual image.
4) ide buruk.
bad idea
You'll find difficulties when you're installing the art on your stick because a lot of times the size of your print doesn't match 100% the size of image you've made on your computer. Usually the print is a few percent larger or smaller than the actual image.
4) ide buruk.
bad idea
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