Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Yerbeh's stick - JoyMOT(Joystick & Mod Throwback)

Stick arcade PS3/PC yang kita jual di Februari 2010. Pakai tombol platina, stick handle Calle yang lama. Stick ini awalnya pakai artwork yang terinspirasi gambar di cabinet Namco Noir. #JOYMOT

 A custom PS3/PC arcade that we sold on February 2010. It used leafswitch buttons, older type of Calle stick. Initially the stick used an artwork inspired by the art on Namco Noir cabinets. #JOYMOT

Lalu artwork nya diganti karena konsumen nya mau artwork yang mirip JunStick. Lagi karena kita masih belum tahu cara print artwork yang penuhi permukaan atas, kita pun harus design gambar dengan kertas yang pendek. Pakai bubbletop dan kita buat sendiri sarung tongkat nya dari selang air. :D 

The artwork was swapped to one that's similar to the one on JunStick, as requested by the buyer. Again we didn't know on how to print a larger artwork, so we made the art with that limitation in mind. We used a custom bubbletop and a custom shaft cover made of garden hoses. :D 

Sayang stick ini sempat alami kerusakan dalam proses pengiriman. Tapi kita selesaikan masalah dengan konsumen, juga belajar dari pengalaman itu untuk buat pengemasan yang lebih kuat supaya barang kita aman dalam perjalanan. 

Unfortunately the stick was damaged while it was being shipped. We solved the problem with our customer, and we learnt from that experience  that we must have better, sturdier package so that our sticks are safe during shipping.

Foto lain bisa dilihat di 

 more pictures are available at

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