Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Modded PXN Arcade Stick - JoyMOT(Joystick & Mod Throwback)

Stick arcade PXN yang kami modif jadi controller campuran tombol arcade & tombol keyboard. Tongkat nya diganti dengan tombol keyboard; keycap Tai-Hao dan microswitch Cherry MX coklat.


A modded multi-console PXN arcade stick that we turned into a hybrid controller that mixes arcade & keyboard buttons. The stock arcade lever was swapped with keyboard buttons; Tai-Hao keycaps with brown Cherry MX switches.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Stick Little to Hide Berhasil Hidup Kembali


Stick arcade kita hidup kembali! Little to Hide stick arcade PS3/PC yang memakai PCB Dual Strike sempat tidak bisa hidup sama sekali; muncul pesan "this USB device is not recognized" kalau kita pasang di PC.

Our arcade stick is back to life! Little to Hide which is our PC/PS3 arcade stick at one point was completely dead; a pop up message saying "this USB device is not recognized" each time we tried to plug it to our PC.

Beruntung di komunitas kita ada orang seperti Heng Bun yang bisa kenali masalah nya, dan dengan cepat perbaiki masalah di PCB kami. Problem nya konektor cewek USB nya sudah mulai longgar & firmware di dalam PCB nya hilang. Jadi terima kasih Heng Bun sudah bantu perbaiki stick kita.
Fortunately we have people like Heng Bun in our community who could quickly find the solution to the trouble with our stick. The main problems were the female USB connector was getting loose, and the firmware in the PCB was lost. So Hengbun, thank you for fixing the PCB.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

 Well Suited 2 controller Fightclicky untuk PS5, alias tipe yang arcade lever diganti tombol keyboard; didukung oleh Brook Fighting Board Plus + Brook UP5. 

Well Suited 2 a Fightclicky for PS5, aka the type of arcade controller that has the arcade lever switched with keyboard buttons; powered by Brook Fighting Board Plus + Brook UP5.

Dilengkapi dengan:
+ casing Keoliz model 9; dibuat lebih tipis; ketinggian nya sekitar 4,5 cm saja.

+ 8x Sanwa OBSF30 warna merah vermillion
+ 2x Sanwa OBSF24 warna merah tua
+ 4x keycap Tai-Hao
+ 4x Cherry MX Brown

 Also features:
+ Keoliz case model 9; that has been made slimmer; it's only around 4.5 cm in height (or 1.78 inches).

+ 8x vermillion Sanwa OBSF30
+ 2x dark red Sanwa OBSF24
+ 4x Tai-Hao keycaps
+ 4x Brown Cherry MX switches