Wednesday, February 22, 2023

 Well Suited 2 controller Fightclicky untuk PS5, alias tipe yang arcade lever diganti tombol keyboard; didukung oleh Brook Fighting Board Plus + Brook UP5. 

Well Suited 2 a Fightclicky for PS5, aka the type of arcade controller that has the arcade lever switched with keyboard buttons; powered by Brook Fighting Board Plus + Brook UP5.

Dilengkapi dengan:
+ casing Keoliz model 9; dibuat lebih tipis; ketinggian nya sekitar 4,5 cm saja.

+ 8x Sanwa OBSF30 warna merah vermillion
+ 2x Sanwa OBSF24 warna merah tua
+ 4x keycap Tai-Hao
+ 4x Cherry MX Brown

 Also features:
+ Keoliz case model 9; that has been made slimmer; it's only around 4.5 cm in height (or 1.78 inches).

+ 8x vermillion Sanwa OBSF30
+ 2x dark red Sanwa OBSF24
+ 4x Tai-Hao keycaps
+ 4x Brown Cherry MX switches


Belajar dari pengalaman merakit controller serupa dengan casing yang tipisan, kami sadar kalau sebaiknya kami langsung solder saja kabel ke tombol nya. Andai kita tetap bersikukuh memakai skun/quick disconnect standard, maka kita harus bengkokin semua besi di microswitch tombol, dan itu bisa mengakibatkan quick disconnect nya gampang lepas. Kalau lepas ya tombol mati. Oleh karena itu kita langsung solder agar koneksi tombol ke PCB jadi jauh lebih terjamin lancar.

Based on our experience building a similar controller we realized we should solder the cables on to the buttons. Had we stubbornly used common quick disconnects, we would have needed to bend the buttons' microswitches, and the quick disconnects would more be prone to be disconnect accidentally. Unplugged QD's mean dead buttons. So we solder the buttons to insure a much more stable connections from the PCB to the buttons.



Kita juga pastikan untuk pesanan kedua customer yang ini, controller nya akan disertai kontak SOCD supaya dia bisa gonta-ganti mode SOCD.

We also made sure to include an SOCD switch for this customer's second order, so he can freely switch to two different SOCD modes.

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