Tuesday, February 14, 2017

KouyaCrow's Modded TE - JoyMOT(Joystick & Mod Throwback)

Enam tahun lalu kita memasang artwork baru di stick arcade milik KouyaCrow. Artwork yang dicetak pertama kali oleh sang pemilik stick terlalu besar.

Six years ago we installed a new artwork on KouyaCrow's Mad Catz Fighstick TE. The artwork the owner printed was too big for the stick.


Sebelum nya kita mencoba mencetak gambar di studio lain namun mereka tidak bisa cetak foto dalam ukuran yang kita butuhkan. Mereka lalu merekomendasikan kita ke studio foto yang kemudian menjadi langganan kita sejak Mei 2010.

Previously we tried to print at other printing shops, but they couldn't print at the size we needed. One of these shops recommended us to one shop, which later became the shop we regularly print our artworks at since May 2010.

Artwork pakai gambar yang disiapkan oleh pemilik stick, lalu kita tambahkan plexi glass untuk lindungi gambar, dan cat bingkai merah jadi hitam.

The art was prepared by the stick owner, then we added the plexi glass to protect the photo, and painted the bezel black.

 foto lain bisa dilihat di https://goo.gl/photos/ALRf2Sb72R8goEvL7

more photos can be seen at https://goo.gl/photos/ALRf2Sb72R8goEvL7

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