Sunday, August 6, 2017

Fitra's Modded Custom Stick - JoyMOT(Joystick & Mod Throwback)

Stick arcade yang dibuat oleh Fitra, dari bahan kayu jati. Menggunakan stick Crown 309(Help Me edition) 9 tombol Sanwa OBSF30, PCB Mad Catz Fightstick TE Round 1, versi PS3, artwork dengan tema Xiaoyu. Pemilik stick minta kita untuk pasang PCB TE di stick rakitan yang dia dulu buat, dan pasang artwork baru.

The following custom arcade stick was built by Fitra out of wood. Teak to be exact. It uses Crown 309(Help Me edition) stick, 9 OBSF30 buttons, a Mad Catz Fightstick TE Round 1 PCB the PS3 version, and Ling Xiaoyu themed artwork. The owner asked us to install his old PCB on his custom stick, and installed a new artwork.


Awal nya artwork ingin dibuat lebih sederhana, garis2 & pola batik saja untuk mewakili karakter. Tapi pemilik stick memutuskan untuk menambahkan gambar Xiaoyu yang kalau tidak salah digambar oleh JUNNY.

The artwork was initially planned to be much more simpler. Lines & the pattern found the character's outfit to represent Xiaoyu. But the owner decided to add an illustration of Xiaoyu, done by JUNNY if I'm not mistaken.

Stick baik, tombol baik(ada sedikit baretan di tombol R2), tapi PCB datang ke sini dalam kondisi buruk. Kita coba di PS3, loh kok tombol pada mati semua ini?

The stick was fine, the buttons were alright(well there was a bit of scratch), but the PCB arrived in a bad shape. Why did none of the buttons work?

Awal nya kami tidak tahu kalau kabel ground yang mehubungkan PCB ke terminal strip & tepat nya tombol2 sudah putus. Ketika kita coba memperbaiki solderan kabel2 di PCB, ternyata sudah dalam keadaan buruk.

In the beginning we didn't realize the ground cable that connecteed the PCB to the terminal strip & the buttons had broken. When we tried to fix it we found the all the soldering points on the PCB were also in bad condition.

Kita menghabiskan sekitar lebih dari dua jam untuk coba memperbaiki masalah ini. Awalnya kami hanya coba PCB ini di PS3, karena PCB ini tidak bisa dibaca di komputer utama di bengkel kita. Lewat PS3 & demo game Street Fighter III 3rd Strike kita tidak bisa melihat dengan jelas masalah di PCB. Dari 8 tombol utama, kita hanya mendapatkan koneksi ke 5 tombol yang baik. [ ] / \ X O R1...
We spent more than two hours trying to fix this. We tried this PCB on PS3 at first, because our main computer at our workshop couldn't read the PCB. Through PS3 & a demo of Street Fighter III 3rd Strike we weren't able to figure out what the exact problem was. Out of 8 buttons, only 5 connections were fine; [ ] / \ X O R1.

Kita terus coba untuk perbaiki koneksi kabel, tapi tombol X & O malah sekarang ikut rusak. Ternyata setelah kita lihat tombol X bisa berfungsi di menu saat kita Pause, di dalam Command List, tapi kenapa nga bisa buat nendang ya? Dari situ kami sadar kita harus lihat analisa PCB dari komputer. Kita hidupkan komputer tua yang bisa baca PCB TE Round 1, dan memang tombol L2 nyala terus, seperti nya dia ganggu sinyal ke tombol X. Dengan bantuan PC tua kita bisa perbaiki, lalu buat sambungan solder lebih paten. Kita berhenti bekerja di waktu 10 malam, udah pada kecapekan.

We continued to fix the connections, but X & O stopped working. While on the pause menu, on the command list the X button worked, but couldn't I use it to do light kicks? Then we realized we had to use a computer to analyze the problem. We took out an old PC that could Round 1 TE ssticks, and it turned that the L2 was on all the time, and it disturbed signals from the X button. With the help of this PC we could fix the connections & soldering points. We stopped at 10 PM, we were already exhausted.

Esok pagi nya kita rakit kembali stick sampai selesai, di sore hari ketika montir stick sudah kembali ke bengkel, kita rapihkan kabel2 di dalam. Stick akhirnya selesai kami modifikasi.

Next morning we continued to reassemble the stick, later in the day our technician returned to our workshop, we tidy up the wiring. And finally the job was done.

Foto lain bisa dilihat di

Foto lain bisa dilihat di

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